Problemy wartościowania akt ewidencyjnych kierowców
Gabriel Widuch, Problemy wartościowania akt ewidencyjnych kierowców na przykładzie Starostwa Powiatowego w Kłodzku, w: Archeion, T. CXVIII, wyd. NDAP, Warszawa 2017
"Gabriel Widuch, Problems Related to the Evaluation of Drivers’ Records on the Example of the County Offi ce in Kłodzko. Driving a motor vehicle, currently an activity which is so common — due to the dynamic development of road traffi c over the past 100 years, has infl uenced the massive scope of produced documentation characterizing the above issue, illustrating the process of applying for, obtaining and possession of the right to drive vehicles from a personal perspective. The development of the automotive industry, the speed of changes that are taking place in the automotive industry have resulted in the need to include the rules defi ning the method of obtaining authorization to drive motor vehicles in public space within the legal framework. The aforementioned aspects have also been refl ected in the scope of applied registry and archives rules, with particular emphasis on the categorization of fi les (currently category “BE10”), which highlighted the need to develop criteria for the methodology of valuation of the described fi les, and thus the principles of extracting independent fi les (fi le units) from the characterised documentation in order to include them in archival materials. The article presented constitutes an attempt at describing the procedures applied in the context of producing, maintaining and storing the described documentation (by the manufacturer — the offi ce), as well as the process of changes, development of the catalogue of driving licenses and fi nally — it contains a proposal for evaluating the fi les in question in order to extract archival materials from mass documentation."