Artykuły > Artykuły i felietony > Polska Biblioteka Wirtualna Nauki
Polska Biblioteka Wirtualna Nauki

Marek Niezgódka, Polska Bibilioteka Wirtualna Nauki: program i jego perspektywy, w: Archeion, t. 107, wyd. NDAP, Warszawa 2004, ss. 354-362

"Marek N i e z g ó d k a , Polish Virtual Library of Science: The Programme and its perspectives. The
article pertains to the need for and the programme of establishing the Polish Virtual Library of Science
(BWN). The author first presents the impact of information technology development on communication
in the world of science in the context of creating digital book collections, and then discusses the reasons
for the establishment of the Virtual Library: the situation on the market of scientific publications, issues
relating to costs and availability of holdings.
The author devotes much attention to the strengths of a virtual library; he mentions its functions
out of reach in traditional libraries, the quality of access to knowledge, its role in promoting the output
of scientists and research workers.
The contents of the BWN system are discussed most extensively: collections of publishers,
databases of indexes, bibliographies and abstracts, collection of Polish publications, open archives of
pre-prints, reports and scientific dissertations, factographic archives, collections of scientific data,
archives of multimedia holdings and special archives.
The author also presents the principles governing the use of the BWN system: the policy of equal
opportunities, legal issues, advantages of the new system (titles inaccessible until now, global access to
holdings, issues relating to the terms of the purchase of printed versions).
The last paragraph recapitulates the progress reached and presents library development
perspectives, taking into account changes on the editorial market, the law and the level of education of
the society."
Źródło: Archeion, t. 107 

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