Tomasz Czarnota, Problem granic zespołu w archiwach osobistych z perspektywy ich twórców - przypadek archiwaliów Jerzego Giedroycia, w: Archeion, T. 117, wyd. NDAP, Warszawa 2016, ss. 248-270
Tomasz Czarnota, The issue of Personal Archival Resource Boundaries from the Point of View
of Resource Creators — the Case of Jerzy Giedroyc’s Archival Materials. Resource boundaries are
one of the key issues that need to be considered when analysing any personal archives. The problem
tends to be considered as one of particular complexity while interesting at the same time. The same
applies to the legacy of Jerzy Giedroyc. The unique character of this particular case is determined
by a number of factors. In addition to the unquestionable role that J. Giedroyc played in the history
of modern Poland, these factors also include the extensive period of time over which the legacy was
formed, coupled with his interest in archival science and collecting. This is indicated by the fact that
the author spent more than half of his life living and working in the same suburban Paris villa, rarely
leaving it. The unchanging nature of the surroundings, as well as his interweaving professional and
private life contributed, along with other factors, to the creation of the specifi c conditions in which the
personal archive was created. Most importantly, they also played a key role in the author’s determination
of material boundaries. Intending to recreate Giedroyc’s approach and to determine the specifi c
actions he undertook with regard to his archive, I have focused my research on three areas: a) the
semantic layer of his selected statements, expressing his conviction as to the separate character of the
resource within the structure of the Literary Institute’s archive, and, partially, describing the content
thereof, b) the physical location of the objects comprising his legacy within the individual rooms of
the Laffi tte villa, and c) relevant information contained in the documents partially listing the archive’s
components, drawn up during Giedroyc’s lifetime. The conclusions drawn create a complete picture
of what J. Giedroyc himself considered to be his legacy. In general, one may say that he was very
skillful — which does not mean that he was always consistent — in distinguishing his personal legacy
materials from other resources he was dealing with on an on-going basis, and in forming archival
units, and even groups thereof. In the course of that process, he was applying, in an intuitive manner,
a set of various criteria (including that of origin), coupled with specifi c rules and techniques. Such an
approach has made it possible to grant Giedroyc’s legacy a status differing from that of other archival
materials in his direct surroundings.
(dostęp z 7.10.2017)