Artykuły > Edukacja archiwistyczna > Interdyscyplinarna archiwistyka
Interdyscyplinarna archiwistyka

Stanisław Sierpowski, Interdyscyplinarna archiwistyka, w: Archeion, t. 105, wyd. NDAP, Warszawa 2003, ss. 42-45

"Stanisław S i e r p o w s k i, Interdisciplinary archive science. The author speaks in favour of
maintaining the curricula differentiation and assumed consent to differences in that field between
academic centres. Fundamental education at various centres could differ and place emphasis on different
components yet take the regard of still important traditions and staffing requirements and local demand.
Interdisciplinary, in assumption, education of archivists is a step in an appropriate direction since it
has an increasingly close link with library and museum science or with recently fast developing record
management, or – more widely – information management. The graduate’s profile should be wider and
not narrow in order to enable him to act in various fields close to archive science. It is emphasised that
techniques and technologies applied in archives, libraries or museums are closely related, not seldom
identical, e.g. in such procedures as collecting, describing, protection and availability. Wider professional
profile of an archivist is an obvious opportunity to get employment in related areas."
Źródło: Archeion, t. 105 

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