Artykuły > Edukacja archiwistyczna > Norma międzynarodowa ISO 15489
Norma międzynarodowa ISO 15489

Ewa Rosowska, Norma międzynarodowa ISO 15489. Zarządzanie dokumentami, w: Archeion, t. 107, wyd. NDAP, Warszawa 2004, ss. 237-244

"Ewa Rosowska, The International Standard ISO 15489: Record Management. The article concerns the
issue of the standardisation of record management and discusses the International Standard ISO 15489:
Record Management. The author presents the history of the implementation of the international standard
on record management on the basis of the Australian standard regulating this issue. Particular provisions
of the standard are discussed as well as their application in contemporary practice. Connections between
ISO 15489 and a group of standards referring to quality management are pointed out. In the final part, the
author presents these areas in which the standard may be applicable to the highest extent in Poland, and
some information on the course of work on its Polish version."
Źródło: Archeion, t. 107 

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